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前世今生—柴刚个人艺术全球巡展 2013/2014(北京站)

编辑:北京小小发布日期:2013-12-03 来源:北京小小艺术网

由北京国际版权交易中心主办,艺术大师网和拉普(中国)画廊承办,海南亚洲艺术研究院、诗情画意(北京)文化传媒有限公司与北京中狮龙文化发展有限公司协办的“前世今生——柴刚个人艺术全球巡展 2013/2014(北京站)”于11月30日下午15:00在北京国际版权交易中心拉开序幕。此展共展出柴刚教授近十年创作的敦煌系列与甲天下系列油画精品56幅。他的敦煌系列作品隐含着与东方佛禅文化史诗般的心性对话,而“甲天下”桂北水乡系列作品却折射着他长长的乡愁——一个属于古典知识分子的人文情怀的寻乡之梦。这些作品精神内核高度一致:是一种独特的柴刚式的美,宁静致远,克制绵延,清新质朴却令人回味悠长,都栖息于诗意的美中。
      承办机构:艺术大师网 拉普(中国)画廊
      协办机构:海南亚洲艺术研究院 诗情画意(北京)文化传媒有限公司 北京中狮龙文化发展有限公司
      预约参观:010-65974890转666陈小姐 18911559036 苏先生
      Opening:    3:00 p. m., November 30, 2013
      Venue: 1~2 Floor, Exhibition Hall, Beijing International Copyright Trading Center, Business Building of Jing Guang Center, Dong San Huan Zhong Lu, Chaoyang Disitrict, Beijing (Subway line 6 and 10, Hujialou Station, D exit;Self driving guest please stop in Hujialou hotel parking lot)
      Duration:    From November 30 to December 14, 2013
      Sponsor: Beijing International Copyright Trading Center
      Organizers:    Art Master (Yishudashi.cn) and Raab Galerie (Raabchina.com)
      Supporters: Asia Academy of Arts (Hainan) , Poetic & Picturesque Culture Media Co., Ltd (Beijing) and Zhongshilong Cultural Development Co., ltd (Beijing)
      Visitor Service: 010-65974890 ext. 666 (Ms Chen) 18911559036 (Mr. Su)
       The exhibition featured Professor Chai Gang’s Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes series and “Earth’s Fairest, Guilin” series, which includes 56 excellent oil paintings created in recent decade.
      Implied in his Mogao Grottoes was an epic inner dialogue with Eastern Zen culture, while reflected in Earth’s Fairest, Guilin was his endless nostalgia, a dream for homeland coming from his profound humanistic feelings as a classical intellectual. Inner spirits of these works are highly consistent: it’s a unique Chai Gang-style beauty- light heart lives long, restraint goes on, pure and fresh but has good persistence, all inhabits the epic and poetic beauty.
柴刚绕了地球一周,最终回到了前世…… 柴刚再次出发,从齐鲁大地走到了大西南的幻境。既然“江山如画”,江山当然就能“入画”,我们不用再讨论传统山水与西画技法及其关系了,柴刚已经将甲天下的桂林山水搬到了油画布上,搬到了北京,还要搬到全世界……
It’s a dialogue between the Past and the Present.
It’s a dialogue between ancient Buddhist art and contemporary views.
Starting off from his hometown Qilu plain, artist Chai Gang went all the way west, arrived at Dunhuang, an important town on the then Silk Road, where he lingered around Mogao Grottoes, letting himself lost in a past world. It’s a road travelled by generations of learned persons and artists, with pious pilgrimage in hearts, river, sunset, desert and fire in eyes…
Chai Gang set his feet on this road every year, kept painting his thoughts on Canvas. Mogao Grottoes, usually simply called as “wisdom of ancient craftsmen” by some people, became more and more inscrutable in his eyes. He started a difficult dialogue with these “ancient craftsmen” with brush and oil. It’s one of the most exciting “dialogues” that I have even read between contemporary artists and the past life. You see, on his Canvas, a cave is a life, a cave is a rebirth, a cave is a revival...
Chai Gang, a modern people traveled around the world, finally entered the Past life…
He started again from Qilu plain, aimed at the fantasy land of the Southwest. As for the land is picturesque, he subconsciously paint the scenery into paintings. We needn’t bother to argue the relationship between traditional landscape and Western painting techniques, Chai Gang mixed use them, moved the world-top Guilin landscape on Canvas, moved it to Beijing, and moved it to the world...
It’s also a dialogue between the East and the West.
It’s also a dialogue between the current and the gone.
Actually, it’s more like an artist’s inner monologue…
Song Xinyu, International Curator
      主办单位: 北京国际版权交易中心
      承办单位: 艺术大师网 拉普(中国)画廊
      艺术家:    柴 刚 Chai Gang
      策展人:    宋新郁 Roman Song
